- Avery County

Restaurants and Lodging
  • Seafood Restaurant

    Big Daddy's of Lake Norman
    1162 River Hwy, Mooresville, NC
    E-mail: Freddie Lancaster

    Our specialties:

  • Seafood Restaurant
  • Seafood and Steak restaurant and oyster bar
  • Big Daddy's of Lake Norman, Inc has been serving the finest, gourmet seafood, steak and prime rib for more than 40 years. A southern tradition since 1974, we offer the tastiest seafood in Mooresville, NC and the surrounding areas. Experience our wide selection of menu options such as an oyster bar where you choose from a variety raw and fresh steam oysters and much, much more. Dig Daffy's of Lake Norman is your number 1 Seafood and Steak Restaurant , and Oyster Bar in Mooresville NC

    Business Location:
    [ Yahoo! Maps ]

  • Big Daddy's of Lake Norman - Avery County - North-Carolina - Administration
    Pass Key: