- Montgomery County

Health and Personal Care
  • Dentist

    Mazza Center for Implant and Esthetic Dentistry
    4300 Montgomery Ave., Suite 101
    Bethesda, MD 20814
    E-mail: David Mazza

    Our specialties:

  • cosmetic dentistry
  • dental implants
  • dentist

    Bethesda dentist, Dr. David Mazza, DDS, has been practicing cosmetic dentistry and dental implant services in Bethesda, MD and the surrounding areas. He has won multiple awards in the field of cosmetic dentistry, is an Honorary Alumni of the University Of MD School of Dentistry and a Fellow at the International Congress of Oral Implantologists . People with teeth that are missing, spaced, stained, misaligned, chipped etc. can all benefit from many of the dentistry services we offer at our dental practice. In addition, many adults do not like the idea of having braces later in life, but there are alternative methods we can utilize to correct crooked teeth aside from traditional braces. Give us a call to schedule a complementary consultation to see how we can give you a dazzling and confident smile!

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  • Mazza Center for Implant and Esthetic Dentistry - Montgomery County - Maryland - Administration
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