- Collin County

Health and Personal Care
  • Midwife Support Team

    Dooli the Doula
    Frisco, TX 75035
    E-mail: Jillian Jolley

    Our specialties:

  • Home Birth, Natural Birth, Doula
  • Breastfeeding Support
  • Childbirth Educator

    My name is Jillian ‘Dooli’ Jolley, but you can call me Dooli the Doula! My passion for birth began when I was pregnant with my first child nearly two decades ago. I have since added another four children to my family, gained invaluable training and experience, and supported numerous families in their quest for a better birth. My experiences, my education, and my love for women and families fuel my passion and drive to help mothers and their partners to create a birth experience that will make them feel strong, empowered, and deeply satisfied. Call me for a better birth experience! (801) 380-2818

    Business Location:
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  • Dooli the Doula - Collin County - Texas - Administration
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