- Wood County

Health and Personal Care
  • Chiropractic

    Dr Michael Thompson -The Place for Chiropractic
    1330 Ridge Rd
    Cheyenne, WY 82001
    E-mail: Michael Thompson

    Our specialties:

  • Chiropractor,Michael Thompson,Theresa Thompson,Maximized Living

  • At The Place for Chiropractic, you can expect a highly trained doctor and staff who have one goal in mind: to help you and your family reach and maintain your health potential. While other doctors choose to limit their scope of practice to pain relief only, our goal is to detect and eliminate root causes of health problems that you may be suffering from now and in the future. Following an evaluation of your overall health, the doctor will discuss a plan for you and your family to obtain maximum wellness and will encourage you to participate in any number of challenges, events, recipe nights, advanced workshops, and more all designed to help you easily and effectively apply health and wellness principles to your life. Expect V.I.P. treatment when you walk into our practice. We utilize a customer service model equivalent to first tier organizations to ensure that you receive the best experience each and every time, whether you are an existing patient or a new patient of our practice.

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  • Dr Michael Thompson -The Place for Chiropractic - Wood County - Wisconsin - Administration
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